Supported Organizations
Below are the organizations that are supported throughout the year (on a rotating quarterly basis) from proceeds made from purchases from the respective SHOP 4 A CAUSE COLLECTIONS. Thanks for your contribution in supporting these organizations in supporting BEAUTIFUL, BOLD & PROUD humans (and animals).
If you would like to suggest a charity to be considered, please complete the suggested charity form found under the Shop 4 A Cause link in the main menu.
SUPPORTED CHARITIES (some charities are pending confirmation of approval from the charity)
Shop 4 A Cause- Words Matter: I Am Not Your Convict
NewLife-Second Chance Outreach, Inc.- A Georgia 501c3, NL-SCO, Inc. whose mission is to reduce crime and recidivism by equipping, empowering and restoring hope to socially and economically disadvantaged individuals affected by a criminal record through workforce development and job readiness training so that they may become productive, self-sufficient and law-abiding citizens. NL-SCO, Inc. envisions communities in which ALL citizens are given the opportunities needed to transform themselves into productive and self- sufficient citizens. NL-SCO, Inc. believes that when inspired, encouraged, supported and given hand UPS (not handouts), people impacted by a criminal record ARE able to be productive and successful within their communities if only given......... A SECOND CHANCE!
Shop 4 A Cause- Words Matter: Substance Use Disorders & Recovery
White Bison, Inc.- A Colorado based 501c3 nonprofit devoted to assisting Native Americans who are affected by substance use disorders. In 1994, Coyhis started the Wellbriety Movement which aims to reduce substance abuse among Native Americans. The term "wellbriety" is derived from a Passamaquoddy word that means to be both sober and well. According to Coyhis, "It means going beyond survival to thrive in one’s own life and in the life of the community. It means living by the laws and values of traditional Native American culture.
Georgia Council on Substance Abuse- (pending)The mission of the Georgia Council on Substance Abuse is to increase the impact of recovery in our communities through education, advocacy, training and peer recovery support services. GCSA, in partnership with Georgia Mental Health Consumer Network and the Georgia Department of Revenue, are working on producing a Georgia Recovers specialty license plate. However, support is needed from 1,000 individuals in order for it to move into production. If you are interested in purchasing the Recovery is Real #GARecovers tag, please visit
Shop 4 A Cause- Human Rights and Criminal & Social Justice Issues
Southern Center for Human Rights is an Atlanta based nonprofit that works for equality, dignity, and justice for people impacted by the criminal legal system in the Deep South. SCHR fights for a world free from mass incarceration, the death penalty, the criminalization of poverty, and racial injustice.
The Policing Alternatives & Diversion Initiative works to reduce arrest and incarceration of people experiencing extreme poverty, problematic substance use, or mental health concerns, and increase the accessibility of supportive services in Atlanta and Fulton County. PAD fosters a new approach to community safety and wellness by providing an alternative to punishing people for what they do to survive. Instead, we connect with people as people, address their basic needs, and work with them to reduce harm to themselves and their neighbors. We believe communities are safer and healthier when people have what they need to not only survive, but to thrive.
Shop 4 A Cause- Words Matter: Disabilities
Autism Hope Center- The Autism Hope Center and Support Group is a Columbus, GA based 501c(3) non-profit serving the Chattahoochee Valley area. It is their mission to provide information and programs to improve the lives of children and families affected by autism. The Autism Hope Center uses its proceeds to support over 2,000 individuals by providing Family Support Grants so local families can receive consultations, specialized training and community seminars on critical topics such as in-home respite care, life stage transitions, coordinating service agencies, and effective parenting of children with special needs.
The Arc Georgia (pending) supports people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). Since 1952, The Arc Georgia has served individuals and their families through our local chapters throughout Georgia that work to develop programs and advocate for public policy giving people with I/DD the opportunity to learn, live, and work inclusively in their communities.
National Down Syndrome Congress- (pending) Headquartered in Roswell, the National Down Syndrome Congress (composed of the National Down Syndrome Congress, Down Syndrome Association of Atlanta, GiGi's Playhouse of Atlanta, Adult Disability Medical Healthcare and Emory Down Syndrome Clinic) is a consortium of Georgia organizations working together to serve the Down Syndrome community and their families. NDSC is the nation’s oldest resource of support and information for anyone touched by or seeking to learn about Down syndrome, from the moment of a prenatal diagnosis through adulthood. The purpose of the NDSC is to promote the interests of people with Down syndrome and their families through advocacy, public awareness, and information. When we empower individuals and families from all demographic backgrounds, we reshape the way people understand and experience Down syndrome.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (Georgia Chapter) (pending) The mission of NAMI Georgia is to empower affiliates to create communities where all affected by mental illnesses find hope, help, and acceptance through SUPPORT, EDUCATION and ADVOCACY. Its goals are to advocate at the county, state and national levels for non-discriminatory access to quality healthcare, housing, education and employment for people with mental illness, educate the public about mental illness, work to eliminate the stigma of mental illness and advocate for increased funding for research into the causes and treatment of mental illness.
Shop 4 A Cause- LGBTQIA+
TransTech Social Enterprises- Founded by trans actress, Angelica Ross, TransTech is a co-working, co-learning incubator for LGBTQ Talent with a focus on economically empowering the T, transgender people, in our community. TransTech is dedicated to economically empowering trans, lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer people and allies with practical, career-ready skills.
Georgia Equality- (pending) Advances fairness, safety, and opportunity for LGBTG Georgians.
Family Equality- Advances equality for LGBTQIA+ families. Family Equality's whose mission is to advance legal and lived equality for LGBTQ families, and for those who wish to form them, through building community, changing hearts and minds, and driving policy change.
Trans Women of Color Collective (TWOCC)- (pending) uplifts the narratives, lived experiences and leadership of trans and gender non-conforming people of color, their families and comrades to build towards collective liberation for all oppressed people.
The Human Rights Campaign- (pending) envisions a world where every member of the LGBTQ+ family has the freedom to live their truth without fear, and with equality under the law. All Children – All Families, is a project of HRC that promotes LGBTQ+ inclusive policies and affirming practices among child welfare agencies, foster care and adoption agencies and formally recognizes those agencies that are leading the field with innovative approaches to inclusion.
Shop 4 A Cause- Vitiligo & Alopecia Collections
Vitiligo Man of Action- VMOA is a Georgia based LLC AND a 501c3 that promotes social awareness about vitiligo through education and empowerment and serves as a hub of support and empowerment for people living with vitiligo. VMOA encourages people with vitiligo to "wear it well" by pursuing an authentic lifestyle and living your best and productive life.
The Vitiligo Society (pending) is a global charity that supports, inspires and educates about vitiligo.
National Alopecia Areata Foundation- Serves to increases public awareness of Alopecia Areata in communities across the United States and the need for an acceptable treatment through education, advocacy and research. NAAF offers support groups for people living with Alopecia, provides resources to parents and to get access to medical care, research, clinical trials, research grants, medical professionals directory and toolkits and an online store to shop for wigs, headwear, eyelashes, brows, hair and skin products and so much more for people living with Alopecia.
Shop 4 A Cause- Fur Babies
REfurBISHED Pets of Michigan- Refurbished Pets of Southern Michigan partners with regional animal shelters and Lakeland Correctional Facility in Coldwater, Michigan to help dogs reach their maximum potential and find loving forever families. The dogs are trained for 10 weeks by trained, skilled and dedicated men incarcerated at the Lakeland Correctional Facility, in which they get compensated to do so. When the dogs graduate training they are ready to receive a canine good citizen certificate (CGC) and are available for adoption into an approved home.
Villalobos Rescue Center- (pending) VRC began as a wolf/wolf hybrid rescue in California in the 90’s but relocated to Napoleonville, Louisiana in Assumption Parish. VRC currently focuses on pitbull rescue but due to an overwhelming need to help other breeds, VRC has now become an all-breed rescue with the main focus still being on Pit Bulls. VRC is the subject of the tv show "Pit Bulls and Parolees'" and because of VRC's open willingness to hire skilled individuals who have returned home from prison, it is an honor for us to support them in their efforts to provide care to their rescues.

Organizations YOU are Currently Supporting With Your Purchases
Take a peek at the organization that you help us support with proceeds from your purchases (as of 2/1/22).